4 Replies to “radiate red”

  1. This is great! … and to my mind, one of the most psychedelic pieces you’ve posted…. what scale are you using on the lead part? its very “Dark Star”-like 🙂

  2. The lead part is more or less B mixolydian (b, c#,d#, e, f#, g#, a), played in an indian kind of one-string (and mostly one-finger-) style. It’s a tribute to “my” India.
    Tube distortion and the setting of the bridge pickup also contribute to the sustained sound. Thank you for being curious enough to ask, and for appreciating psychedelic music!

  3. voll gut mann!

    schreib mir dochmal ne mail, würde gern mehr von deinem sound hören. evntl. inspirationen für ein aktuelles bandprojekt das ich grad starte.

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