Don’t be afraid, this time robot had a unpleasant dream (you can tell by the dark cloud in his thought bulb), but he is rescued and there is a happy ending!
He was sleeping in his iron bed, being recharged through several wires, when it happened. His friend who obviously heard noises from robot’s bedroom, opened the door to ask what was going on there – and so robot learned it had only been a bad dream. After hugging each other with some heart-felt robot hugs (bang!) they went to bed with relief, sleeping tight until the next morning.
Last post of this trilogy will be: “Robot’s Love Song”, coming soon.
guitar & gear: Fender Jaguar, Fender Tweed Champ, Roland Space Echo, Cry Baby Classic Wah (fixed)
Interesting. I love the robot drawings. Looking forward to the Love Song.
Cool! I thought I was listening to “Echoes” with John Diliberto Really enjoyed this one and ready for the third in the series!