profundity [audio:profundity.mp3]
fathoming out [audio:fathoming.mp3]
These two forming a twin entity, you are being invited to enter a door or an entrance to see what’s behind. Thereafter feel the deepness, or measure the unmeasurable like I did by bending my guitar strings more than I ever did before…
guitar & gear: Epiphone Les Paul with Haeussel pickups, Vox AC 50, BSM treble booster, Tube Reverb
My first visit to your new home. Will you be serving your guests a plate of musical hors d’oeuvres? I like Profundity, by the way.
profundity on wry.
(calling from inside a well-shaft:)
Elspeth, I prepared a lot of courses, not just hors d’oeuvres. So everybody will be satisfied and not turning home with an empty stomach.
And, Jen, if you are going to call something “psychedelic”, “wry” is part of the concept.
Looking forward to the main course(s).